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This guy's a riot

So Bloomberg was reelected, and amNewYork had a poll as to what the next priority of the mayor should be. Says Dante Ruffin, 19, of Manhattan:

Security and safety. New York is the only city where people are trying to kill thousands of other people at one time. I think the mayor needs to beef up the NYPD and make sure they care about all the people of this city.

Huh? Crime's been going down in New York for a decade now. This kid says he lives in Manhattan, but so do I and I have no idea what he's talking about.

And a city whose inhabitants are trying to kill others en masse? Try Paris.


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As I previously stated in amNewYork, weekly threats to blow up subway trains and stations filled with thousands of "innocent" people sounds like killing others en masse to me. Though crime has been down, there seems to be at least one unhappy camper among our friendly Manhattan people. Explain the wannabe terrorist then tell me to try Paris.

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