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Yesterday, I dropped by my eye place, and picked up the Acuvue 2 trials. This morning I wrestled with them for half an hour to get them in, but still managed to get to work on time.

The first problem: They're just as difficult to get in as the Night & Days. I'll have the lens on my fingertip, but as soon as I try to insert it, it'll flip backwards on my finger rather than go in. I don't know how to avoid that. Perhaps that's just a skill I don't yet have, but it's massively frustrating.

And the little "123" indicator that they have to show which way is out is incredibly difficult to read. It's not printed, but is more like a dot-matrix print, meaning that you have to intensely concentrate your focus to find it.

I'm much more aware of wearing these lenses than the Night & Days. This morning, I could watch my vision blur as the lens slipped out of place. When I got into work, I removed and reinserted the right one to only a little gain. The left one popped out of my eye with a gentle touch at the desk; reinserting wasn't fun. Perhaps I had that one on inside-out. I'm not sure.

But so far, I'm not very impressed. I'll try these for a week, nevertheless. I'm still looking for more free trials.


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It strikes me odd that they would put tiny numbers (printed dot matrix style, no less) on the lenses when the person who needs to see those numbers, are wearing the lenses to correct their vision in the first place.

About as odd as the braille keypads at the drive up ATMs, but maybe it's me. :/

But you're not wearing them at the time. These are -5.50s, so you can focus very closely to see the detail. What would be weird is if the +7.00 lenses had the markings. No _way_ someone that farsighted would be able to make out the markings.

I stand clarified then. :)

What's the point of working your fingers to the bone if you hand over what you worked for
to someone who never lifted a finger for it?

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