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Welcome to BlackRock

Quite a few people have been asking me to post something about my new job. Well, I didn't feel it was appropriate to post much about my old job here, in such a public forum, so you won't be seeing much difference with my new job. But it couldn't hurt to say a few words about what's been going on.

BlackRock is an investment management firm, and I'm working with them on their software systems. My first day was last Tuesday, the fifth. HR had me in the morning, and I've been at my desk since. For the past week, it's been meeting people, sorting through benefits packages and figuring out how their software is arranged.

The next two weeks are training. I'm going to learn all about finance, and then I'm going to write some cool apps.

And that's about all I have to say. The people seem to be very nice, and I'm looking forward to working with them.


> The people seem to be very nice

Guess all my efforts to persuade you to the contrary failed, eh? :)


I have watched BlackRock recklessly manage my portfolio and lead the market in losses and lag the market in gains. Heads up public, I wish I had run from these loosers.

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