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Spell check?

Why would a company let someone like this represent them?

Dear Avi,

My name is Brian [xx] and I represent an 20 year old technical search firm focused in the hedge fund and investment banking industyr. We are currently looking for am exceptaional programming talent with a background such as yours for a top hedge fund client in the NY metro area. If your are currently open to exploring new opportunities within the IT/Finance industry or know of someone who may be looking, please contact me immediately! Compensation is excepttional!

I would enjoy speaking with you about the direction you are seeking and how I maght be able to help!



A typo in every sentence. And in his name too. Impressive.


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Maybe you should "correct" it & send it back!

Are we sure this was a real company? If so, that's sad... Of course, when I worked for the Ritz, we had hired someone along the same lines and I never understood why. She didn't last long and I complained about her the entire time. A high level hotel chain should not be represented in such a manner. Sheesh.

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