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Western Wind, Day 2

The staff divided up the students by sight-reading ability, and they announced the groupings this morning. I went upstairs to find my group.

I got the music, and looked at the signature. One flat meant key of F major. No F in sight, though. We sang it for a while, and I got a bit confused. So I asked what was up.

“There's one flat in the signature, so that's the key of F, right?”
I got a weak smile back. “No, this is Dorian.”

The next piece of music had one sharp in the signature, on the F. This time I knew to ask.

“So this is in the key of G major.”

I then got a long explanation of how relative minors worked and that this was actually in E minor.

The next piece of music had two sharps in the signature. This time I was really ready.

“This is either in B♭ major or G minor, then.”
Another weak smile. “No, this is actually Phrygian.”

Next was a class on sight reading. It was very similar to what I'm doing in my class, but rather than doing numbers 1–7, we used the names do, re, mi. It was rather confusing, but I coped while the names were written on the board.

There was some English country dancing, some vocal jazz work, and a big lecture on motets.

I went into this expecting to be over my head, and today showed me how deep I really was. I need to work on my frustration, though. I snap far too easily and need to learn to relax into this. Otherwise I'm not going to make it.


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Good luck!

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