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Farewell Army buddy

I spent this past weekend in Fayetteville, NC (gorgeous 80 degree weather, a nice escape from Michigan's icy, windy snow) visiting Andy (and met James as well), army buddies of mine. They are being shipped out to Kuwait this coming Saturday, and were informed that their mission over there was labelled as 'indefinite'. They figure they'll be over there for a year and a half. We'll have to see.

Andy is a specialist in the Army, doing terrain mapping and whatever else they request of him. He is in the 100th Engineering Company and the 30th Engineering Battalion. He is quite happy to be going, but made mention of the one thing that frightens him, urban warfare. He will be driving past Kuwait City every day on his way to work, and though the Kuwaities have been more than helpful up until now, he worries about ambushes and how he'll react in that situation.

I'm proud of him as well as all the other troops out there fighting for our rights in this country. I've been asked many times whether I'm worried/nervous for him, and I'd really have to say no. Though every company is a combat unit (for instance, those unfortunate ones who took a wrong turn), he really won't be near the fighting.

After about 3 or 4 months, Andy will be shipped over to Baghdad to help rebuild the infrastructure and government. That makes me a little nervous, but I figure by then things will have settled down. Fortunately, I'll be able to hear from him often since he'll be at a computer for most of the time and will have access to email.

My best friend, Jess, and I are already planning a Boxing Party this week. We'll be packing up cookies (peanut butter please), toilet paper, batteries, and other items to send to the courageous soldiers over there. May as well let them know we support them.


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